Friday, December 18, 2009

Blast from the past random thought.

Ok this definitely falls under the category of random thought and it also fits in the 'blast from the past' category. It won't be for everyone though, probably people around my age or so...

Anyways I was listening to the Bonnie Hunt Show while I was making covered pretzels and chex mix yesterday and she had Boyz II Men on. They sang something from their new album and something old too. The old song being Motown Philly. I don't think I'm the only one but when you hear that song doesn't it make you think of Stephanie Tanner (Full House) circa 1991! When she has that dance routine and totally chokes!! Ahh, memories. Y'all know you know what episode I'm talking about! ;)

Thanks to You Tube for refreshing our memories with old, cheesy tv clips!

1 comment:

Krystin said...

I always loved how Danny stayed up late sewing extra sequins on her costume for her!!