Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Do we have to start the NEW YEAR off with her??

Have y'all seen the newest cover (about to hit newsstands) of PEOPLE magazine? Ugh, it's Kate Gosselin and her annoying mug sporting some majorly bad & ugly hair extensions. Let's face it though she will forever be a part of our lives. I'll give you a couple examples....

Watching her on the show we have witnessed her outrageous behavior/treatment to Jon. Yes, I know at this point nobody feels sorry for him BUT at the time we sorta did...So she has given us the opportunity to say to or about people, you are about as bitchy as Kate Gosselin!! And that's bad ;)

Another example of how she has touched our lives is that gosh darn awful hair-do hair don't!! I'll explain how, Landon woke up with some seriously crazy hair on Christmas morning and I told him he looks like Kate Gosselin!

Landon's crazy Kate Gosselin hair!!

What other reality star turned wannabe celebrity could we take so much from? Actually there are alot of those but my point is Kate Gosselin has taken over the media and I'm sick of seeing her, can I get an Amen dangit?!

1 comment:

Krystin said...

Is it just me or do those extensions make her look like she's got a mullet!?