Monday, August 23, 2010

2 month break.

That's pitiful! I haven't posted on my blog for 2 whole months! That's the longest break ever in my blog history. It's not that stuff isn't going on or that I don't have things to say but the convenience of Facebook is pretty dangerous (to blogs that is). It's so easy to 'share' an article or video, then get your friends reactions right then and there! It's a lame excuse I know but it's so true.

Also, the older Landon gets the harder it is for me to find time to sit down  in peace and quiet and just blog. Usually the "spare" time I have (when he is sleeping) I eat lunch and catch up on some good trashy reality tv. Sad but true! Nothing like sitting down for a little quiet lunch to myself and maybe an episode of Real Housewives of fill in the blank!! I'm really gonna make an attempt to not neglect my blog... pinky swear!

As far as new and exciting things that our happening in our lives.... we're expecting baby #2 in March 2011!! But if you are a friend or family member than you of course probably already know that thanks to FB ;) 
I think the fun thing about having a blog though is being able to look back and see what I was talking about at a certain time or what was going on in our lives during a specific month. Facebook serves it's purpose for posting pictures and sharing your status but the blog just makes it feel so much more personal!

There you have it... I'm gonna vow to blog more. Even if I only get around to posting once a week it's alot more than I have been recently!! Am I right?!

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