Monday, January 18, 2010

Golden Globe Results.

The first round of winners, losers and dresses of the award show season has now come and gone. There were a few hits and of course some misses and some surprising wins too. To briefly recap the winners Sandra Bullock did end up winning for Best Actress in a Drama and also in a Comedy, yay for her. She's just so likeable it's nice to see someone like her win. As far as her dress, I wasn't thoroughly impressed with it but I loved the color. I think the material it was made out of came out looking too shiny and cheapy on tv?? Let's not forget it looked like the skirt was totally see through too, wth?!

Another impressive look was Halle Berry. Her dress may have just been black but if you're gonna do black that's the way to do it. Dang, her body was kickin' and her hair was perfect! Finally, the short Halle pixie is back. She is one of the few that can seriously pull that look off.

Ok Drew Barrymore. Seriously? Why must fair skin people wear such colorless dresses??? (Ahem... Nicole Kidman) I love Drew, she's just so quirky but her dress choices confuse me. The color was awful not to mention the seashells attached to her shoulder and hip!

One of the big trends of the night was ruffles and lots of 'em. I wasn't really into Chloe Sevigny's dress or that color but girl was freaking workin' it! As soon as the cameras came up and started clicking she was p-o-s-i-n-g from head to toe as Tyra says. Fierce face and all!!

I don't really have any stand out amazing dresses in my mind but it was fun to kick off the award season with all those colors. I'm just not a fan of a black dress unless it's done like Halle or even Lea Michele. It was very different seeing such a full gown but interesting since it was still a little unexpected. There will always be the girl that shows up looking like a hot mess and I think that was Jennifer Aniston last night. You ain't gonna get a man looking like that girl!! Sloppy.

Another honorable mention isn't really for a dress but for the arms showing in the dress. Do y'all know who I'm talking about it? No, not Jennifer Garner she gets 2nd best arms of the night though. It was Felicity Huffman! I'm so tired hearing about Michelle Obama's arms, Felicity's are the arms everyone should covet! Welcome to the gun show!!

As far as the rest I'll just say that Kate Hudson looked like her dress was made out of fondant. Cameron Diaz had some ridiculous shoulder pads. Also, I loved Fergie's dress and the color but she has a serious 2-head and the dark hair emphasizes that. Diane Kruger and Lauren Graham both had terribly ugly, pink dresses. Lauren's being the uglier and the most ill fitting of the two.

I could still go on and on but I should stop. We can't go over everyone but it's fun trying! What did you think? Anyone amaze you with their look or totally repulse you?! As far as the actual show goes I watched on super fast forward but every time Ricky Gervais came on screen I stopped. 1. because he's funny and 2. because he was enjoying his little drinky-drink!! He was seriously the best part of the awards.

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